1.1.1996 in Bratislava/Slovakia. After some time i decided to release a tutorial w/sources on 3d-rotation. Ok, ok, it's too old, there are tons of tutorials on how to do it and you already know how to make it better. BUT this one is with SOURCES (not many texts about rotation include sources), it's made in TP (i know that pascal is out of date, slow, big, ..., but many people use pascal and this is only one 3d-rotation explanation in it (i think :) ), it's PURE pascal (no assembler, except the unit which is in asm for its speed, no dirty tricks, no unclear steps, ...), (almost) NO MATH required (hmm... with matrix it's a bit faster, but many programmers don't like any math). And remember, i'm not a real coder, i'm just a musician. 3dTUTOR.TXT - This text. 3dBASICS.TXT - A simple explanation by Synergist. FILE_iD.DIZ - Guess... FH.NFO - Something about me, unimportant. TUT1.PAS - 1st step: 3d-rotation of one point. TUT2.PAS - 2nd step: rotation of a cube. TUT3.PAS - 3rd step: rotation of any object, interactive. TUT3X.PAS - A bit faster, with precalculated sin,cos, moving the object. TUTUNIT.PAS - Unit originaly by THEFAKER, rapped by me for this tutorial. Sample objects for TUT3.PAS: TUT3_1.DAT - Old good cube. (8 points,12 lines) TUT3_2.DAT - A pyramid. (5 points, 8 lines) TUT3_3.DAT - Something odd. (18 points, 48 lines) I don't say it's very good, easy to undersand or even fast (!), but with this sources you got the basics. As next, i will make some rotation with textures, i'll speed it up (with some assembler), some shading (MAYBE!), .... Thanx: Synergist - for his explanation. THEFAKER - for the unit (sorry, guy). KMC - for some help in pascal. mato - in general. Greetz: #coders, VHC, MiST and all people who're releasing some sources. Rights: All rights .... You can do whatever you want with this piece of crap, but if you'll find a bug, mail me. - fh94.3 (fh@viktoria.drp.fmph.uniba.sk), (test@turing.fmph.uniba.sk), (http://www.drp.fmph.uniba.sk/~fh) *comming soon*.